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1. VALIDATION. Establish your credibility and authority in the eyes of your specified audiences..Th


2. EVANGELISM. Evangelize what you believe in and get others to evangelize you.


3. PARTICIPATION. Actively participate in and contribute to the global conversation. Inspire interplay with your audience to infuse your brand with new life and to create community.


4. VISIBILITY. Increase your visibility and make yourself (and your insight) as accessible, approachable and available as possible.


5. REPLICATION. Extend your reach  by replicating your knowledge and insight.

None of these 5 BIG REASONS can stand alone, though. United, they comprise a perfect sphere that underlies and creates your book's structure and content ... that gives your book a soul.

5 Big Reasons to Hire JAG

“Jennifer is an amazing woman with a great skill for language, and distilling what needs to be said into beautiful and effective words; she is not satisfied until every word is just right, and I am delighted with the work she has done for me.”

—Dr. Bettina von Stamm,

Founder and Director
Innovation Leadership Forum


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